
Gertrud Schneider
Mal - ART
Naturerscheinungen 2024

Calendar - Format: DIN A4 / 13 pages

If you are interested, if you would like to find out more
or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

+49 017625580517

Gertrud Schneider
Mal - ART

Format: ca. 21 x 21 cm
104 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-947408-17-7

The book " Mal - ART" shows the wide spectrum of
artistic activity from 2016 to early 2020.
An interplay between color, structure, lightness and
dynamics, with the most diverse materials.
Thoughts on the paintings, image development and artist profile complete the book.

Gertrud Schneider
Mal - ART
Glücksmomente 2022

Calendar - Format: DIN A4 / 13 pages

If you are interested, if you would like to find out more
or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

+49 017625580517

Overview of press reports

09.02.2024 - 09.03.2024 Galerie InterART Stuttgart
26.11.2022 - 29.12.2022 Galerie Nieser, Stuttgart
April 2020 nomination for the PALM ART AWARD 2020
30.01.2017 - 12.02.2017 „Dialogues“Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
16.04.2015 – 15.06.2015 „Zusammenspiel“ Rathaus Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt
November 2014 nomination for the PALM ART AWARD 2014
21.04.2013 – 19.07.2013 „Begegnungen“,KKT, Kulturkabinett e.V., Stuttgart
21.07.2012 – 23.08.2012 „Abstractions in Acryl“ Waldhorn , Stuttgart-Untertürkheim
08.06.2012 – 31.08.2012 “AREA – COLOR – HARMONY” Haus des Gastes, Bad Dürrheim
31.10.2011 - 31.03.2012 „Ways“ of experimental acryl painting, Anna Haag Mehrgenerationenhaus, Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt
09.05. – 12.09.2010 exhibition „Fiction and reality“ - Gallery at VinoVero, Stuttgart