Art for rent for privat rooms and offices

To rent artwork give you the possibility to create anytime a new ambiance and you can find out if the artwork is suitable for your rooms without you have to buy it.

You are flexible and you benefit from original art.

If you decide to buy the artwork, the paid rent shall be deducted from the selling price. The rental price depend from the size, value and the rental time

                    3 – 12 months 25 % from the value of the Artwork per year
                    from 12 months 20 % from the value of the Artwork per year

In Germany, rental costs for business premises are tax-deductible as business expenses.

If you wish, the artworks can easily be exchanged within the rented period. (e.g. rent for 6 / 12 months - after 3 / 6 months the artworks can be exchanged by new artworks in the same size) Please find the appropriate pictures from a large selection of works from the gallery or the studio. Redesign your rooms, create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere for yourself or your customers.

I look forward to hearing from you! - If you have any questions, if you would like an individual offer or advice on the selection and hanging of the artworks, or if you have any other specific wishes.

+49 17625580517 or